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Dead Air: The Rise and Ruin of College Radio

posted March 22, 2016 #

Steve Haruch and Doug Lehmann are both very talented and interesting people in their own right. Steve is an accomplished writer and musician that's been championing whatever scene he's a part of for 20 years. Doug is an equally classy musician and photographer, also deep seat into the Nashville scene for a long time.

All that is to say, I can't think of a better duo to take on a documentary about the story of college radio. Their latest project - Dead Air: The Rise and Ruin of College Radio is just starting to poke it's head out on social media but they've been hard at work on the film for well over a year. I highly suggest following on Twitter and Instagram to get the latest insights on the production. I have very high hopes for the film and look forward to its release, whenever that may be.