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What happened to The Web Designer?

posted October 25, 2023 #

If you have been tinkering around on the Internet for roughly the same period that I have been, you likely remember a time when "Webmaster" and "Web Designer" were not titles that inspired chuckles. This piece from Heather Buchel - It's 2023, here is why your web design sucks. - it's a bit of an ode to that time. Back then, you could design a site and write the code for it; both requiring their own sets of skills but both very much dependent on one another.

My experience does not match those of Buchel's exactly but I entirely agree with the sentiment of the piece. There is a lack of understanding from "front end development" about how web design should be executed. Conversely, there's an equal lack of understanding from designers about how the web gets implemented; from the DOM to proper responsiveness. I hardly think of myself as a thought leader in this space but I can't help but feel a bit of pride that I came up in a time where knowing both was healthy.

Definitely a great read. Happily following Buchel on Mastodon and loving the responses related to this article.