
An internet waystation.

it me - michael eades

👋 Hi, I'm Michael Eades; a long time Internet dweller, design dabbler, dangerously amateur developer, online social experimenter and frequent curator.

Currently working as a Product Manager at Mosaic. I also keep the lights on at a boutique record label called yk records, a podcast network called We Own This Town and a t-shirt shop called Nashville Galaxy. Previously, I built things for Vimeo OTT, VHX, KNI and Spongebath Records.

This site is an archive of ephemera I find entertaining; tweets, videos, random links, galleries of images.

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find me elsewhere



Reach out via twitter or good ole email if you have anything to discuss. I do my best to reply in a timely manner.

for the record: "yewknee" is a nonsensical word with no literal meaning but a unsurprisingly nerdy etymology. It is pronounced, "yoo • knee."

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ongoing projects

yk Records →
started in 2009 as a conduit for music that friends had no plans on releasing. now it's a full fledged boutique label focused on releasing quality music from a variety of styles. you know, like a label does. Here's a sampler on Soundcloud and a different one on Spotify. Options.

We Own This Town →
Originally a Nashville area music blog, this site has grown into a full blown podcast network as of 2018. It's an attempt to bring together creative folks about a variety of interesting topics.

I host this show all about Nashville local music outside the expectations of the city. I'm biased but all the shows are good.

Nashville Galaxy →
An online t-shirt shop featuring beloved and defunct Nashville area businesses. Very niche audience on this one but I tend to think niche is good.

some noteworthy other things

Chris Gaines: The Podcast →
published along with co-host Ashley Spurgeon; a limited series podcast that takes an absurdly researched deep dive into the time that Garth Brooks took on a fictional personality named Chris Gaines.

Garth Brooks Chris Gaines Countdown →
to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the time Garth Brooks took on the fictional personality Chris Gaines and appeared on Saturday Night Live in character, I GIF'ed the entire episode. It's a lot of GIFs; please use them.

Whiskerino →
a social network built around communal beard growing for four months. yes, it was as weird as it sounds but equally fascinating and enjoyable.

Moustache May →
an offshoot of the beard growing contest mentioned above. equal amounts of oddball fun but only a month long.

Summer Mix Series →
before all music was streaming everywhere, Internet music fans would swap zip files of music. it was truly a strange and wonderful time.

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Pancho Chumley
Today marks an important day for me. A few months ago I heard a song from Ross Wariner, one of the principle members of Kindercastle, and found myself quite smitten. I inquired to him about the possibility of "putting out" the record in a limited form. While I'm not interested in running a full fledged record label I am intrigued by the idea of getting music out to the masses that otherwise would not be heard.

And with that, I found myself with yk records and the first release from Uncle Skeleton, Pancho Chumley. The album is an instrumental, electronic and orchestral blend of a myriad of influences. To me, this album should be in regular rotation for everyone's forthcoming summer - it just invokes that good feeling.

The album is now available both physically and digitally.
  • Limited Edition CD - limited run of 250 discs with high quality Arigato Pak style packaging from Stumptown Printers; features the artwork of Jason Severs and, honestly, feels quite nice. I could go on a long rant about how much passionate I feel about making sure physical releases are worth owning but I will save it - just know that this one is absolutely worth owning a physical version of.
  • Digital Download - I've put the entirety of the album up for free digital download because the ultimate goal here is to get the music heard and enjoyed. Bandcamp offers a ton of formats so whatever suits your fancy is there for you to enjoy.
Many thanks to Ross for letting me put this out. It's an experiment that I hope works and will lead me to be able to put out more (though, regardless of this success, I will be putting out more).

Please spread the word on this! I would love for as many people to hear this album as humanly possible.


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