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The Master Switch

posted October 28, 2014 #

Over the past year I've been making my way through Tim Wu's The Master Switch. It's an incredibly easy to grasp read tackling a huge historical problem - the rise and fall of technology empires, government involvement and innovation disruption. It's taken me a year to read because I've enjoyed it so much - it's not a book that I wanted to end because the context of it is so pertinent to exactly what we're experiencing today with Net Neutrality.

The rise of AT&T and it's stranglehold on competitors or the Hollywood establishment putting up walls against independent theaters is not only historically fascinating but almost 1:1 what we're seeing now with the Internet. Wu's writing style is not overly verbose and he does a great job of explaining all the players involved along the way - from Edison himself to Theodore Vail down to AOL's Steve Case.

Long story short, it's great. I will likely start re-reading it immediately and continue to sing its praises to anyone willing to listen.