The Early Mac Grim Reaper
posted September 30, 2024 #
Do you ever encounter a compelling image online and decide you're going to learn more about it? I found myself enjoying this delightful pixel reaper and wanted to find out more. Spoiler alert, I failed!
The exact image appears in two places and is referenced in a few others.
If you get a wild hair and want to confirm any of the above. Please do so and let me know!
The exact image appears in two places and is referenced in a few others.
- Screenshots of the system and programs of the first Macintosh - a German site showcasing some vintage computing imagery. They do not cite their sources but given the 2024 publication date, I imagine these were lifted from the link below.
- Stories of Early Mac from Ken Wessen. I am confident this is a mirror of a university site from "kwessen" that cites the Reaper as:
...a mysterious Grim Reaper icon in the Finder, but I have not been able to find any reference to this icon in the code.
This is the best evidence I have run across regarding the image source. - "Death" icon in 128k guided tour's Finder - a message board thread referencing the same "9998" icon from the same 128k Guided Tour Disk of the original Mac System 0.85.
- Downloadable Mac System 0.85 - you can certainly download the original Tour disk and likely emulate it yourself but even if I did that, I would have no way to inspecting the possible source files for the Reaper. Not saying it isn't possible, just saying it's beyond me.
If you get a wild hair and want to confirm any of the above. Please do so and let me know!