The Crazy Mythology of True Detective
posted February 18, 2014 #
This article from Alyssa Rosenberg is a phenomenal bit of insight into some of the more bonkers aspects of True Detective. If you haven't seen the show, the article contains mild spoilers.. so be warned. If you have seen the show, it sheds light on the more out-there portions of the show without actually providing any conclusions.
For me, the most interesting part of the referenced sci-fi history within the show is that it's incredibly old. The original story, An Inhabitant of Carcosa, was written in 1886! That's over two hundred years of expounded writings that have led up to involvement with True Detective. It's derivative but not in a plagiarizing way. I love it and can't wait to see how it shakes out.
via Becky.
via Becky.