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The $100 House

posted May 13, 2008 #

The $100 House (Contest)
James Mathis has a problem. He's lives in Idaho, just landed himself a job in TN (quite a distance) and can't seem to sell his house. So, he can't move his family and start his new job / life until that's taken care of. In order to be proactive he has started the $100 House Essay Contest. You write a fairly short essay about why you deserve the prize and send him $100, after 2500 entries are received he will pick a random winner and give them his house. Not bad.

Overall, it's a clever idea but it's not going to be anywhere near easy to get that many people to sign up, send money and send an essay. I do not envy the process Mr. Mathias is going through but I commend him for trying something different in order to get the ball rolling.

So even if you have zero interest in entering the contest or winning someone elses house, give the man a Digg or maybe a link on your site. He is good peoples.

UPDATE: Turns out selling your house this way is illegal in Idaho - so, scratch all that you just read. No go.