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Shoji Umemura

posted 1 day ago #

I recently found myself listening to Horizon, Volume 1; a compilation of ambient works from the 1980s by Japanese composer Masahiro Sugaya. The music is compelling and inviting.. have a listen:
... But what really struck me was the artwork. There's a delightful balance between vibes - the extremely rigid and isometric vs the playful and handdrawn. Seeing it animated is even more riveting. The illustration work is courtesy of Shoji Umemura.

Browsing Umemura's instagram is a delightful romp of styles and mediums. Lots of illustrations but plenty of paintings and other mixed mediums. All of it has a similar playfulness and combination of vibes but none seem to strike the exact same balance as the Sugaya album cover; more evidence of how special it is.

All of it is fun and worth staring into. There's even more over at Panpro Factory and its blog (this is a collaborative effort with Chiharu Watanabe).