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Rondò Veneziano

posted 1 day ago

I'm a sucker for strings + synthesizer. Add in a flair for the dramatic and I'm ready to double down. That said, encountering Rondò Veneziano - the Italian chamber orchestra that sometimes dressed like Daft Punk and played lavish renditions of classical music with some modern instrumentation... well, I'm in! Here's a few gems I enjoyed:
  • Sinfonia Per Un Addio- performing on Miss Fortuna Nadia Cassini in full Daft Punk gear. Of course this is 1983, so maybe Daft Punk was in full Rondo gear? The corresponding album has phenomenal art.
  • La Serenissima- apparently iTV used to show this animated bumper between shows from the same era of the band. Once again, I think we see Daft Punk's playbook.
  • Rondo' Veneziano- an earlier "non" costumed appearance where the entire orchestra is still in full-on baroque apparel.
I'm sure the Daft Punk comparisons have been made elsewhere but it's all surprising and new to me. I'll continue my journey.