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Return from Bangladore

posted October 1, 2018 #

I have returned from my work trip to Bangladore, India... aka Bengaluru aka "Silicon Valley of India" aka "Garden City." I have never traveled so far abroad and have never been in the position of being a day ahead of everyone else I know back in non-India Standard Time zones. It was a rather disconnecting feeling.

I've tried to articulate a succinct summary of my time there but I honestly can't put my finger on it. The people that I met (particularly my co-workers) were wonderfully nice, kind, helpful, funny people. The city itself is one born of an incredibly speedy tech boom; I'm told the majority of growth happened in just the last 15 years. That's a very short time to plan a city, establish reliable infrastructure and actually build it all.

So, I won't try to summarize it all. I saw a bunch of great buildings, marveled at the traffic, felt immense fear riding in the traffic, enjoyed a few good meals and delighted in the company of my coworkers. I posted pics over on the ole IG, specifically here, here and here if you're interested.