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Record Club

posted August 12, 2024 #

Miles recently invited me to Record Club - a new(ish) site for cataloging music. Simply put, it's "Letterboxd for music." I'm just getting started but if you end up on there, give me a follow!

My initial impression is that the aesthetic of the site is very nice, the onboarding was insightful and easy but the kind of music I listen to simply may not be in their database! Much like how Letterboxd uses TMBD as their backend, Record Club uses MusicBrainz for theirs. No repository of open source information is going to be complete (especially with music) but I've found that a great deal of what I'm listening to lately is simply not on there. I think my niche local listening may just be too specific.

That said, I've literally been signed up for less than an hour so any critique I have is way too early to be truly insightful. I'm happy it exists and am looking forward to getting it into my daily rotation.