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Prudish Introductions

posted July 3, 2020 #

Todd Kemp has been playing around Nashville for... 20 years? His bands The Carter Administration and
The Prudish Few, a new undertaking from Kemp along with Mike Shepherd and Jay Leo Phillips; two musicians I've also always admired for their work in Tower Defense and JLP respectively. Today they release their inaugural single "In A" from the forthcoming album The Eagle Has Left the Building.
These songs are deceptively fun. I mean, they're fun, don't get me wrong but it's not a shallow undertaking. There's an undercurrent of political statements weaving through the lyrics and I think that's what drew me to the project. It's musically memorable but it's also meaningful.

Full album comes out Aug 21st and we'll be releasing some videos and additional singles along the way. Give it a whirl. This is a Bandcamp exclusive for today and then will hit streaming services next week.