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Presidential Typography 2020

posted May 23, 2019 #

Matthew Butterick has a fantastic rundown of all the current Democratic Presidential Candidates and their choice of Typography in this Special Listicle for America. The compliments and takedowns are all fair and legitimately enjoyable to read. If you find yourself wondering why you should care about such a thing, Butterick has already answered that:
For those who think it trivializes our political process to judge candidates by their typography—what would you prefer we scrutinize? Qualifications? Ground into dust during the last election. Issues? Be my guest. Whether a candidate will ever fulfill a certain campaign promise about a certain issue is conjectural.

But typography—that’s a real decision candidates have to make today, with real money and real consequences. And if I can’t trust you to pick some reasonable fonts and colors, then why should I trust you with the nuclear codes?
Ridiculous of course but that's the point. Don't think too hard here. Just enjoy.