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Misc Tools, 2025

posted 1 day ago #

Some various tools I've encountered of late:
  • DeskPad - a virtual monitor for screen sharing. DeskPad creates a virtual display that is mirrored within its application window so that you can create a dedicated, easily shareable workspace.

    I screen share quite frequently at work and have yet to find a Google Meet, Zoom, et al experience that is pleasant.. especially from a larger monitor to a group. Maybe this is the key to all my problems!
  • Cursor: AI Code Editor - the moment I post this, it will be outdated. In fact, as I write this, I know that Cline (a VS Code AI agent) can combine with Claude Code - which may even be superior!

    The point here is, these code assistant agents are getting very good. Maybe not Build Your Own Bandcamp good but if you need to build a marketing website, they can do a great deal of the work for you now. Pretty wild.
  • pISSStream - ... a menu bar app that shows how full the International Space Station's urine tank is in real time.. Need I say more?