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Mama Zu - Quilt Floor

posted November 20, 2023 #

The one and only album from Mama Zu has been announced for pre-order. Quilt Floor will be released in February of 2024.

The album is a collaboration between Lindwood Regensburg and Jessi Zazu. Way back in 2006, Zazu was a founding member of Those Darlins, an alt-country outfit that evolved into a full blast rock band over their decade together. Linwood officially joined the band around 2011 and was a constant collaborator through their last two albums. Sadly, Zazu passed away from cancer far too young in 2017; she was only 28.

I heard about these recordings at that time but assumed they were not to see the light of day since six years had passed. I am happy to be wrong and excited to hear more from Zazu's musical mind.