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Longform Editions, Fin

posted February 12, 2025 #

Hearing Things has a great eulogy for Longform Editions, a record label based out of Sydney that has an impressive body of work starting in 2018. The labe's "About Us" introductory paragraph is right up my alley:
Longform Editions is a curatorial music practice created to foster and celebrate immersive listening experiences for the musically adventurous. Launched in 2018, Longform Editions was founded by Andrew Khedoori and Mark Gowing, based on the collective experience of their long running Preservation label. The organisation was originally born out of a desire to enable a deeper attention to listening utilising contemporary digital music delivery systems. Longform Editions was not conceived as a record label, rather it is more like an ever-evolving group show at an art gallery, but online, with music.
My suggestion is to load up their editions page; marvel at the consistent (and evolving) artwork that they have embraced over the last seven years and then click at random to discover something immersive. Maybe you'll land on Gavilán Rayna Russom, LCD Soundsystem member. Maybe you'll land on Rich Ruth, Nashville ambient composer. Maybe Susan Alcorn, the recently departed and incredibly influential creator in pedal steel. That said, I imagine it's the names you don't know that will be even more rewarding than the ones you do.

It's a shame that Longform is shutting down but I have the utmost respect for anyone that recognizes the limitations of an endeavor and chooses to start anew. It's a helluva body of work to say the least.