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Kosmosphar - Kosmische Wellen

posted December 17, 2024 #

This Kosmosphar album from 1977, Kosmische Wellen, is a rare bit of sprawling, spacey, Krautrock from the era. Except, it's not. The album is entirely AI. Specifically, the description says:
Warning: "Everything that happens on this channel is fiction. But what is the truth? F*ck it, just listen!"
It's a shame there's no further detail on how the record was made because it's actually quite an enjoyable listen. There's even a follow-up record and other releases from the label. The channel is actually rife with music. I'd be very interested to learn how all these were made and what human decisions were involved with the creation. I am positive it's not 100% a computer running the show.

I've not taken the deep dive but I am sure it has varying degrees of enjoyment. Just like a real record label. Quite frankly I'm not sure what to make of the evolution of AI generated albums. Like a lot of generated "art" there's a lot of heady discussions to be had. This is another interesting bit of fodder to contemplate.