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Highlife Time

posted August 15, 2024 #

Occasionally old mixes pop into my brain. The other day I was thinking about Summer Long, Some Aren't - a mix from McBurney that introduced me to Peter Gordon & The Love of Life Orchestra. I went to recreate the mix on Spotify and could not find anything about Track 5 - "High Life Time" by Good Friend Charles.

No streaming music service had any artist with that name. Google returned no valid results. I inquired with Mac what the story was and he said he named it that based on a best guess; as he'd heard the song from Pates Tapes, with no obvious credit.

This all sounds like a great candidate for a Lostwave deep dive but then it hit me.. this mix came out in 2012, before the ubiquity of song identifying services like Shazam or SoundHound. I played the track and got the hit for George Darko, "Highlife Time." A song from a 1983 album originally entitled Hi-Life Time.

Mystery solved but, more importantly, a nice little gateway to great record and a wonderful sampler about Oval Records. Triple win in my eyes.