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Friday Videos - Nov 15, 2024

posted November 15, 2024 #

Sometimes Beaker is the perfect encapsulation of *all the things.* Truth be told, just about any Muppet losing their mind fits the bill. Hope you're having a good week, here's some distractions to slide you into the weekend.
  • FKA twigs - Drums of Death (choreography glitch) - do I know anything about FKA twigs? No. BUT you don't really need any context to appreciate this combination of choreography, office setting and Aphex Twin style flipping out.
  • Drive Share - remember the go90 streaming platform of original content brought to you by Verizon? Yea, me neither. But Paul Scheer and Rob Heubel made a series for it called Drive Share and it's pretty funny. All the episodes are here and there's a ton of cameos from names you like. I rather enjoyed this Jason Mantzoukas / Jessica St. Clair episode.
  • The Curious Case of the Blocked Window - watch this March 1972 BBC broadcast in full and then tell me if it's parody or entirely earnest. I honestly could go either way.
  • How David Copperfield Vanished the Statue of Liberty - I have not thought about this for multiple decades but it did occur to me that I had no idea how Copperfield pulled off this trick. Pretty clever.
  • Voyager meets Frasier - in 1996 there was a TV special / documentary called Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond. It's mostly a clip show and talking heads exhalting the show (rightfully). But there's also a sketch about 30 minutes in featuring Captain Janeway with a rather surprising new crew. It's corny but also legitimately entertaining, especially if you grew up on both of these. No shame in enjoying this!
  • Stupid Cookie Sketch - still enjoying the absurdity of Montessori Boy, even if I'm lightyears behind by watching on YouTube instead of TikTok.
  • The Ross Sisters - Solid Potato Salad - this takes a full 1:30 to really start. Then it takes another full minute to reveal itself. Stick with it. Insanity awaits.
Other things I'd recommend watching that aren't necessarily "Friday Video" material? The Most Underrated Painting Ever, Pickled Herring short film, Making comics with Plastic Models and Game Maker's Toolkit Magnet Game (this guy rules). That should help influence your algorithm properly.