Friday Videos - Feb 28, 2025
posted February 28, 2025 #
I was gonna use this Veep GIF for the cover but it was just too real. You're here for relief, not reminders. So, let's get to the enjoyable distractions!
- Lifeforce trailer - have we talked about this 1985 Tobe Hooper movie about Space Vampires? It recently got the whole restoration treatment and I think it's time I finally saw it.
- C64 Demo: Phonics Is Dead - YouTube has realized that I need to be aware of all things Commodore 64. This demo is fantastic but considering it was made on a computer from 1982 is unbelievable.
- David Lynch on Living & Dying - the only upside to Lynch's passing is that clips like this bubble up. This is not your typical Friday Videos fodder but, damn, it's 3 minutes of delight.
- TV Wheel: The X Box - did you know Joel Hodgson (or MST3K) had a 1995 pilot called TV Wheel, funded by HBO? It's sketch comedy show with a single camera mounted inside of a giant rotating mechanism. It's 37 minutes! I can't really decide if it's funny, which isn't a great sign, but there are lots of familiar faces in there (I spy David Cross).
- Backflips - I continue to highly enjoy Montessori Boy and continue to wish they posted more on YouTube, as I can't quite seem to get TikTok into my regular rotation.
- Fofão - have I mentioned Fofao here yet? The Brazilian children's show mascot that is pure terror? I don't think I have. I'm sorry to bring this to your attention if you weren't already aware but if I have to know it exists, so do you.