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Firefly Petunia

posted July 1, 2024 #

Trufhfully, this one came my way via Instagram Ad - a petunia plant that has been "infused with bioluminescence." In other words, a flower that glows in the dark - for real! Given the source, my skepticism on the validity of it is cranked pretty high. Diving a little deeper into this Scientific American article about the creation, it seems that the Neonothopanus nambi mushroom was used for the bioluminescence and it's a legitimate fusion. Specifically:

The fungus feeds its light-emitting reaction with the molecule caffeic acid, which terrestrial plants also happen to make. By inserting the mushroom genes into the petunia, researchers made it possible for the plant to produce enzymes that can convert caffeic acid into the light-emitting molecule luciferin and then recycle it back into caffeic acid — enabling sustained bioluminescence.

The article goes on to say that people have complicated relationships with genetically modified plants but that the danger levels are low. “I cannot imagine any reason why this should be a concern,” says Diego Orzáez, a plant biologist at the Institute of Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology in Valencia, Spain. That sounds like famous last words!

Regardless, the plants are very interesting to see.