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Election 2024

posted November 5, 2024 #

I think it's fairly safe to assume that if you're a reader of this site, you're likely a somewhat liberal person that is mostly disgusted by Donald Trump. His politics, his business practices, his morals, his manner of speaking - it's all bankrupt. That's not being hyperbolic or dramatic, he's a habitual (proven) liar and really just does or says whatever he thinks makes him look the most powerful. You already know this.

I don't know how we got here again. I was raised by Republicans that instilled beliefs from the Presbyterian church and the Boy Scouts of America. My parents and social circle were all about empathy; help those in need, turn the other cheek, do a good turn daily. Find ways to be Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. That's my DNA. I don't go to church now and I find the institution to be corrupt beyond repair but there are some inarguably good core tenets. Especially around empathy. That's why I'm liberal. Or leftist. Or whatever label aligns with seeking out ways to help people have a better life. Not motivations to "lift themselves up by their boot straps" (a physical impossibility) but actual means and ways of helping.

I don't have any helpful words to make the anxiety about this election feel less dire. Mostly I find that writing things out can help; even if there's no actionable takeaway at the end of it all. Have you ever tried writing an email reply, a text response or a social media post and deleting it before you hit Send? It actually feels great. This is my version of that but I'm actually going to hit the Add button!

At this point - actual Election Day - I doubt you need any more fuel for your election fire. Your firehose is likely at full blast. Mine too. But just in case you want a few more blasts in the face, here ya go:
  • This Verge piece - "A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for school shootings and measles" - articulates a lot of my woes for the future and frames it around technology a bit, unlike most other reporting I've seen.
  • Last Week Tonight's Election 2024 summation did a fantastic job of wrapping up the mess we're in; speaking about Harris, the Palestine situation and the road ahead. Jon Oliver is always a good watch.
  • Jay Johnston sentenced to 1 year in prison - Jimmy Pesto of Bob's Burgers! Choo-Choo the Hurkey Jerky Dancer! Tommy who climbed Mt. Everest! I can not believe this is a real headline. What a shame.
  • Did My Friends Vote? - a tool that takes public data to look up people by name / location / age and let you know if they voted or not. Obviously not who they voted for but if they actually did the deed. Kind of fun.
I'm sure we're all very tired of this Election cycle. Hopefully we're on the very tail end of it now. Good luck to us all.