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Bookland: The Birthplace of Every Book

posted 2 days ago #

Really been enjoying the short, informative, entertaining transmissions from Chris Spargo recently. This piece on Bookland is a deep dive into UPC codes, book publishing and standardization as technology goes international - an unbelievably boring topic on the face of it but made quite engaging with Spargo's delivery. It's not ostentatious in the slightest, it's brilliantly British - subdued, calm and subtly goofy (watch him pull book after book from his jacket).

There's actually not a ton of content on his channel. Only in the past month has he started posted more regularly. I highly recommend Why do UK supermarkets have clock towers?, What if The Office (UK) was made in 2025?, Why did UK crisp packets swap colours? and Stormzy's illegally tinted windows. I'll personally vouch for each and every one of them.