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An Idiot Abroad

posted September 29, 2010 #

Idiot Abroad
I had the distinct pleasure of watching the first episode of An Idiot Abroad last night and have to say, it is absolutely everything I hoped it would be. Karl Pilkington is, as Gervais says, capable of saying the "most awful things, so naively and sweetly" and it absolutely shows in the series. Granted, I think he's in on the joke.. Pilkington is a master of keeping things dry even when you know he wants to crack a little smile underneath it all but he is truly in shock to be in such different surroundings. Oddly enough, I do agree with him on a number of points. I'm not sure what that says about me but I look forward to seeing more.

Long story short, find a way to watch these episodes. It may end up on the Travel Channel one day but, until then, acquire it by any means.