
An internet waystation.

it me - michael eades

👋 Hi, I'm Michael Eades; a long time Internet dweller, design dabbler, dangerously amateur developer, online social experimenter and frequent curator.

Currently working as a Product Manager at Mosaic. I also keep the lights on at a boutique record label called yk records, a podcast network called We Own This Town and a t-shirt shop called Nashville Galaxy. Previously, I built things for Vimeo OTT, VHX, KNI and Spongebath Records.

This site is an archive of ephemera I find entertaining; tweets, videos, random links, galleries of images.

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find me elsewhere



Reach out via twitter or good ole email if you have anything to discuss. I do my best to reply in a timely manner.

for the record: "yewknee" is a nonsensical word with no literal meaning but a unsurprisingly nerdy etymology. It is pronounced, "yoo • knee."

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ongoing projects

yk Records →
started in 2009 as a conduit for music that friends had no plans on releasing. now it's a full fledged boutique label focused on releasing quality music from a variety of styles. you know, like a label does. Here's a sampler on Soundcloud and a different one on Spotify. Options.

We Own This Town →
Originally a Nashville area music blog, this site has grown into a full blown podcast network as of 2018. It's an attempt to bring together creative folks about a variety of interesting topics.

I host this show all about Nashville local music outside the expectations of the city. I'm biased but all the shows are good.

Nashville Galaxy →
An online t-shirt shop featuring beloved and defunct Nashville area businesses. Very niche audience on this one but I tend to think niche is good.

some noteworthy other things

Chris Gaines: The Podcast →
published along with co-host Ashley Spurgeon; a limited series podcast that takes an absurdly researched deep dive into the time that Garth Brooks took on a fictional personality named Chris Gaines.

Garth Brooks Chris Gaines Countdown →
to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the time Garth Brooks took on the fictional personality Chris Gaines and appeared on Saturday Night Live in character, I GIF'ed the entire episode. It's a lot of GIFs; please use them.

Whiskerino →
a social network built around communal beard growing for four months. yes, it was as weird as it sounds but equally fascinating and enjoyable.

Moustache May →
an offshoot of the beard growing contest mentioned above. equal amounts of oddball fun but only a month long.

Summer Mix Series →
before all music was streaming everywhere, Internet music fans would swap zip files of music. it was truly a strange and wonderful time.

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Back when Bandcamp was sold to Epic Games, folks were skeptical of its future. A year later, Epic sold them off to Songtradr and laid off a sizable chunk of staff. Skepticism was at an all time high. Since that time, Bandcamp hasn't changed much. The site continues to function as it always has - they still do Bandcamp Friday, they publish Bandcamp Daily regularly and seem to simply be keeping things stable. On the one hand, this is good news for folks concerned that Songtradr was going to upend the service into music licensing opportunities but, on the other hand, they continue to lack any sort of notable innovations. The site feels a bit stagnant quite frankly.

All that preamble is to set the scene for a number of alternatives that sprouted up over the last few years to provide something different from Bandcamp. Last night, Ampwall went live. The new platform has been in beta for some time, working out kinks and polishing their tech. I signed up right away and started uploading. I'll share a handful of my first impressions below but the TLDR is: I like what they're doing and am excited to continue building out my presence there!
  • The Mission is Critical - to really understand what Ampwall is doing, you must read their Mission statement. It's lengthy but it's the guiding principle of the whole site. They are determined not to be driven by the pitfalls of other major tech companies, namely the "grow-at-all-costs" mentality. I applaud the manifesto and highly appreciate the openness that the founders are musicians that understand the hardship of finding a community online.
  • The Pricing Model Is Different - this will be the biggest hill for them to climb. Bandcamp is their closest competitor and it is free to start using (tho they definitely have a paid plan as well). AmpWall is asking for a $10 per year fee to add up to 5 hours of music. This is a much lower fee than Bandcamp but is required up front to get started. I don't think pitching in $10 (or more) per year to a platform that is actively working to support artists is a tough call but I can certainly see how artists will be hesitant to dive in without a free tier.
  • No Label Pages... yet - the platform doesn't offer much for labels yet. As such, my label profile is a little lacking. BUT I'm happy there are future features they can easily build that will improve things. Not a complaint, just an observation.
  • Artist Profiles Need Tightening - this is an aesthetic complaint. A subjective opinion. I hesitate to even cite it because of that subjectivity but I'm not loving the artist profiles or album pages. They feel unbalanced and lacking focus. The content within them is fantastic (headers, profile images, logos, et al) but I have hard time mentally parsing through them.
  • Uploading was Easy - no link for this but the process of getting hours and hours of music uploaded was not laborious in the slightest. They really have done a great job on the backend of holding your hand and explaining each field to make sure you know how the content is going to be used.
That's it for my first impressions. I'm excited to add all new releases and possibly do a full backfill on the entire yk Records catalog. Mostly I am just excited by a platform that is openly talking about adding features and listening to the community using it. I have a deep love for Bandcamp but can't deny that they don't seem the least bit communicative outwardly. Ampwall is taking a different tact and I'm here for it!

Go sign up! Fan accounts are free. Artist accounts are cheap.


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