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Adult Swim Lineup

posted September 19, 2008 #

Adult Swims
Delocated, The Mighty Boosh, Check It Out, With Dr. Steve Brule
Thanks to Joey for sending over the upcoming Adult Swim lineup. It's nice to see that Venture Bros are coming back but it's especially pleasing to see that a number of new shows will be debuting.
  • Delocated - a family in the witness protection agency decides to move to New York and be part of a reality show. Chris sent me the pilot and I'm hooked on the absurdity. Plus, Jon Glaser is quickly becoming someone that can do no wrong.
  • The Mighty Boosh - finally a US channel showing one of my favorites. Maybe this means DVD's can be released on our side of the pond.
  • Check It Out, With Doctor Steve Brule - the Tim & Eric show is extremely hit or miss for me but Steve Brule seems like a fitting spinoff.
The rest of the lineup looks good too - with the exception of Drinky Crow. I love the Tony Millionaire illustration style but the cartoon is just not good.

I had a surprising amount of things to say about the Adult Swim lineup huh? I had no idea...