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The Head Hurts but the Heart Knows the Truth

posted October 27, 2023 #

A friend recently steered me towards The Head Hurts but the Heart Knows the Truth; the debut album by a band called Headache. It's full of trip hop vibes and extremely reminiscent of that one Primitive Radio Gods song from 1996; minus the BB King sample and actual singing. It's mostly a laid back record filled with compelling lyrics delivered in a very British manner.

The Bandcamp page cites the credits for the record as:
Produced & mixed by Vegyn, all lyrics written by Francis Hornsby Clark.
The record label version of the same page contains a bit more interesting insight (emphasis mine):
Produced & mixed by Vegyn, all lyrics written by Francis Hornsby Clark, and performed by AI. Artwork by Cali DeWitt.
Those very British vocals are, in fact, not a human at all but a facsimile of a human. It's a very clever use of text-to-speech and a pretty believable implementation. If you didn't know, you probably wouldn't notice.