Toynbee Tiles and Larry King
posted 1 day ago #
I've talked about the Toynbee Tile many times on this site. I even did a Dizzy Spell podcast episode all about it! During that recording I was reminded that one of the earliest events in the Toynbee history occurs in 1980, when a caller goes on the air with Larry King and talks about how 2001 relates to resurrection and mentions his group "The Minority Association" that is seeking to spread the word about these ideas.
Now, there's no evidence of this call. Only anecdotal evidence. However, George Washington University keeps a collection of Larry King recordings from 1970-1990, courtesy of the Mutual Broadcasting System archives. I reached out to them last July in search of a Feb 1980 recording; supposedly when the caller made their appearance.
They responded* and, unfortunately, the results are a bit of a dead end. Their response, as noted in the image above, states:
* They actually replied in Sept of 2024 but I'm only posting about it now, in March of 2025. I've no excuse for why I took so long.
Now, there's no evidence of this call. Only anecdotal evidence. However, George Washington University keeps a collection of Larry King recordings from 1970-1990, courtesy of the Mutual Broadcasting System archives. I reached out to them last July in search of a Feb 1980 recording; supposedly when the caller made their appearance.
They responded* and, unfortunately, the results are a bit of a dead end. Their response, as noted in the image above, states:
Thank you for your patience. We have just recently reopened and had a chance to look into your request. I've looked through the box that contains recordings from 1980. I'm sorry to report that there are no cassettes dated February 1980. The bulk of the 1980 cassettes are from July and September - November of 1980. It appears that there are significant gaps in the recordings that we have for 1980.Did the call-in happen during the Fall of 1980, not the Winter? Did the call-in happen at all? Mysteries we may never solve but I'm happy to have checked one little box off my list of possible puzzle pieces to unearth.
* They actually replied in Sept of 2024 but I'm only posting about it now, in March of 2025. I've no excuse for why I took so long.